Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Boys never grow up.

It's 2a.m. on an work week and I can't sleep! With nothing better to do and running out of sheep to count, I logged on and scour the web for new addition to my toys. This is when I came to realize that guys never really grow up. Most guys anyway.

Physically we might grow... be it vertical or lateral growth. Mentally or at least the part which controls our sense of joy and excitement (please do not misinterpret this) however, never really change much.

As a pre-teen boy, I love toys, games (bottle caps, game books, board games) and cartoons. 15 years after I was last categorized as a boy, I still love toys, games and cartoons. Only difference, these things are more expensive. My toys are no longer RC cars, LEGO sets or water guns but cameras and AV equipments. The games are no longer bottle caps, paper cards, millionaire or Dungeon & Dragon game books but PC games or in the form of eenie minnie miney moe for what CD to listen to. Cartoons are definitely no longer Thundercats or Doraemon on TV but some japanese anime or international films (especially those that are banned in Malaysia).

These days, my toys cost me an arm or a leg or sometimes both. My first toy bought with my own money was the ancient Powershot A70. After the initial excitement which all toys provide, in time it starts to attract less and less attention from me.

Half a year after I started work, I rewarded myself with a Yamaha MCR-E700, a wonderful micro-hifi. That provided me with hours of pleasure listening to the likes of Emi Fujita, Diana Krall, Ella Fitzgerald and Katie Melua.

Slightly more than half a year ago, I bought myself yet another toy. This time, my new love to replace the sad, ancient Powershot A70; a Nikon D60. The Nikon D60 is by far the most expensive toy I've ever got myself. Just 3 months after I got the D60 and I got another lens to complement the kit lens. The reason? To enhance my "equipment" making it larger and more capable and powerful.

Another 3 months has passed since and I'm now looking for something new again. A new lens that was just release by the manufacturer? or perhaps a true-blue hifi system?

All this sounds so much like a kid getting bored with his existing toys and wanted something new every now and then. The only problem is, the toys are more expensive and I can't throw a tantrum to have someone for it. Sigh.

Feeling slightly dejected by the fact that I simply cannot afford anymore toys, I wrote this post with the conclusion that boys never really grow up but their toys do!


Bamboo said...

I would hardly call that as "not growing up". Buying stuff is not an immature act... as long as it's not bought just for show off or unused after several days. Just like studying... you won't call studying at the age of 30 to be not growing up despite the fact you have been doing so for past two decades, would you? As you said, you're buying more and more expensive "toys"... that itself, is a growth process :P. And a lot of photography enthusiast would strangle you to hear you saying their passion as mere "toys" :P So, keep on buying!!!

Yin Hoon said...

Guys with their gadgets and toys, girls with our clothes and shoes... fair eh? :p

Anonymous said...

never heard before u owned an D60..
u should tell me earlier, man...haha
so, when u gonna lend me ur baby? CNY perhaps...

CY said...

bamboo: hahah...hope the enthusiasts won't read this then. I don't think I could keep on buying, economy no good and I'm not in the position to boost the economy with extra spending :P

Yin Hoon: can't say it better.

myloonatic: ish... u never see the pretty pictures I took in this blog meh?

Anonymous said...

yea, i was impressed with ur photography skill, wondering how come u can increase ur skill in such a fast pace...mana tau rupanya u got a superb assistant to aid u up...haha
is ur toy bought before or after our last singing session?