A few colleagues got together for a small homecoming dinner at this nice restaurant in Pavillion KL. As usual, the mastermind of all outings among my colleagues, Kenneth initiated the event. The sms that came to me was to meet at "Tian Di" Restaurant. There I was searching hi and lo for this elusive restaurant. A short phone call later to get the relative location of this restaurant revealed that it was "Dain Ti Hill" instead... WTF! ... *moments of total silence*...
Anyway, we had some pretty simple dishes for the dinner. But the one which features tofu with salted egg yolk is very memorable. It is a dish made of simple ingredients yet has very rich contrasting tastes. The soft silky texture and .... urm...tastelessness? of tofu against the sandy texture and salty taste of egg yolk.
I particularly liked the way they serve the cocktail as well. In a beautiful vial surrounded by 6 conical tiny glasses over a bucket of ice. Sadly, due to very bad memory, I couldn't remember the name of the drink.
The highlight of this restaurant? It's the 50% discount for Citibank Card members!!!!
We ended the dinner with the signature Haagen Dazs Ice-cream Fondue. Which in my opinion is slightly overated and did not justify the price.
So, you might ask, what's so special about this dinner? and how does it justify the title?
Well, to me, instead of welcoming me back, this dinner is my farewell to the mastermind of this dinner. This guy is not only a fellow colleague or friend, he's the travel desk, PR guy, tour leader, "yum yum sik sik tuen" (~drink drink eat eat group) organizer, dried seafood supplier, dirty talk initiator... and much more. So again, Kenneth, I bid you adieu and wish you well in your studies!
Wah 50% so much! But how much was the food originally first :P Yea I agree with you, the fondue price has skyrocketed since the past few years! Increasing 20% if I'm not mistaken. Not really worth it.
well, the plates looked like those used in Little Italy in Sabah and yup the cocktail apparatus is very nice!
I am not too sure how much they are to begin with...all I know is that the total with two set of cocktails for 6-7 person comes up to about RM120 after discount.
But the catch is, the 50% discount applies only on mon-thurs.
mate.... wtf! dirty talk initiator? dont pollute my name... im still a very innocent fella! what is sex by the way????
ps... cant you just put a better picture... i believe i look better than that!
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